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A cure to crappy weather!

By April 3, 2010July 3rd, 2017Life, Photos

feeling low? atmosphere outside reminding you of Mordor?

well, if it looks like that outside the window then its time to treat yourself with something good… go grazy on amazon!

since i figured that this is the only time ive got enough free time to read books with all the army and stuff, i though i might aswell get smth good… so i went and bought one book edition of lord of the rings + shipping for $8! got through the first book in 4 days and i must say that it lives up to its name. Its really well written, its weird how it can be so descriptive yet it doesnt get boring and you dont even notice it since the story flows so well along with it. so that must be like 12 or 15th book in the last 5 months! still after 2nd to 5th edition of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and Dune :)

aaand i got this little thingie!

pretty neat little thing from base london, will come handy next time in the forest with patrols and stove watch.

Well, at least theres something that really made this gray weather better!
Got an answer from animwork and i got scheduled for the admission test on the 16th!
cant wait… got to start practicing my drawing skills, although that will be quite a task since were out in the woods for the next 2 weeks (well, all weeks until june to be exact)

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