So the beginning of the year has been really chaotic… in march my old employer went bankrupt so i was basically sitting home alone in my tiny 24sqm room for 2 months… remaking my website, sending out 100 apps, keeping my mind busy and cooking some rice balls :D… in the end i got 2 interviews so i gave renars a visit in copenhagen, had the first grill of the summer and 2 intervies that went pretty well… i ended up being offered positions in both of the companies… both for front-end developer positions… one was a solid long-term position, the other a fixed 6 month deal… i went with the 6 month thing since its a job in the gaming industry in a square enix owned studio… something ive always wanted but did not see happening in the foreseeable future… so of course i went for it.
So i packed my bags, cleared and cleaned my old apartment in filskov (still ended up paying dkk7000 for cleaning and painting) and drove off to the other end of denmark… with no place to stay… so hostel for a few nights and then i managed to find a room in a shared flat though couch surfing forum just 3km from the centre in norrebro… so basicaly, i got the offer, i moved to cph, stated work and found an apartment all within 1 week or so... graaazy pace after having sat home for 2months. I have now been here for almost 2 months and enjoying every minute of it. Cph is a fun and beautiful place to live in, the work is great and rewarding, the apartment is neat, cheap and well located and overall im pretty happy :)