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Draw, Paint, Shoot

By February 7, 2011July 3rd, 2017Life, Photos

Hello there! heres a little update of what i have been doing for the past weeks (when not drinking)

as ive said before, i took Model drawing, drawing & graphics, painting, creativity &  form and photography classses… they’ve been quite fun and ive made a few things so if youre interested theres a lot more once you hit “continiue”

model drawing class: (just an hour per week, normally we pose for each other)


General drawing/graphics class… felt marker, graphite and chinese ink

Random stuff out of mind during free time:

Painting class:

Creativity and form… we had to paint feelings… anger/wrath and death/being the victim… also had to add in some Munch style or colors so thats how the bunny ended up like this. the other stuff = paper+ scissors+glue

and this is from the Photography class… shot and developed photos on our own… chemicals, darkroom, etc… its quite fun.

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